
Hi, I'm Shg, brazilian, oct 1997.Second carrd to go along with my commissions one I guess.

art by Hio's official artist Sartika


My twitter aside commissions is pretty much a VOCALOID Maika stan account, sorry!Not a synth fan anymore, sorry!
I don't really like seeing synth content at all, I've come to dislike-hate most things to the point of not being able to enjoy any content anymore aside a few things and even those that I still like I'd rather avoid looking up usages with them 😓. I'm really sorry, but I won't follow back synth fans anymore due to this I'm really wary of any synth people so you'd need to interact with me first and I'd still take a long time to get courage to follow back.. I'll still keep drawing Maika and ship art with her since it's the only thing I still feel like drawing most of the time and any other synth only in things related to her and hio (no other ships with hio aside hiodex).
My BR AU fanarts is pretty much done for the moment, I could draw characters I didn't like because I still was ok with synth content in general. Only Maika and ship art related to her will be done from now on aside commissioned or gift artwork.I don't do follow for follow and definitely will avoid following if your content is related to things I have muted if they fall out of my mute list. Or petty list related (mostly mute or block if ship related).If you speak ptbr or ptpt, prefiro que me respondam em português do que inglês mesmo.Also hiomaika is a ship name, not like my name lol.There are some things that might make me not follow tho.Also my acc is mainly SFW with occasional NSFW(fanservice) once in a while, nothing really explicit will be posted hopefully, if there's any it's probably on my non art acc.

petty I won't follow list

Sorry! I'm pretty petty when it comes to some stuff specially relating to shipping so this is just a beware and maybe reasons that I won't follow certain content and random notes of things that are a pretty no:

  • I REALLY cannot stand Miku, Gumi, SeeU, vFlower, Cryptonloids/ProSekai in general. It makes me really uncomfortable and at worst straight up makes my stomach turn itself from even seeing tiny preview images so I'm really sorry, but I will not follow anyone who is a hard stan of this 😓 if stuff falls under my mute it's kinda ok, but if they don't it's a straight up NOPE;

  • I'm really unable to like newer synth stuff. As much as I tried to even stay neutral I'm not able to feel any more joy from newer things at all, it feels really miserable being unable to like new things and starting to dislike older ones. I'm sure I hate almost everything now aside a few things so I'd rather keep myself away aside making content of my favs;

  • Anything under this was written before I really could not stand synths anymore, but they still hold up

  • Not a fan of hetero ships with hio besides hiomaika (I'm not considering headcanons here rather going if it's a "female" bank), might keep words or tags muted if I see (doesn't happen often). I won't follow back anyone out of how petty I'm with shipping;

  • Also to add a note to the above, if you ship him with Oliver and similar younger loids it's a big no for me. Also reasons to not draw him interacting with many loids aside on groups;

  • More lenient toward Maika ships, unless it's with loids I can't stand at all;

  • nsfw accs, I know I follow some accs that do post nsfw content but I'd rather avoid like 100% only nsfw unless I didn't pay attention and didn't follow on my nsfw acc;

  • miku content and cryptonloids/big 8/gumi, I'm not consuming content with any of them nowadays or even want to, be it music or art related (not even interested on stuff with them in english or portuguese rn);

  • vflower content, yeah I don't like it. Been even worser than the above for a long time. Pretty much only loid I have even emojis muted for the sake of not seeing content (went to some rando's profile and saw emoji being used on a nsfw art tweet 🤡 I hate it), only tag muted on pixiv and about to mute even the normal word to not see again. I really don't like it and I've even unfollowed people over ship content before (both sfw and nsfw, for the latter it doesn't even need to be related). I really can't stand it, so I'd rather avoiding following anyone who does actively share or make content with it;

  • If you use anything MAPs on your profile I'll block, I'll also softblock people that are following me if I end up going to your profile and seeing n/sfw stuff I didn't want to see which has happened at least once;

  • no homo/transphobic, racism, fascism;

  • RTs and comments about violent content relating to news or for example to make some case that happened known are ok but actual gore no no like those people who share gore out of nowhere, gore art ok unless it actually manages to make me feel a bit sick;

  • The above also applies to self harm. Not necessarily mention, but imagery is a bit too much for me;

Sorry for being this petty! The ones relating to vocaloid are pretty much just me being petty for real, the other ones not really.Tho the vocaloid ones are also requirements for my private nsfw art acc.

As much as I do occasionaly post fanservice on my public, I do have a private nsfw acc.I won't accept follows of private accs unless you're for example a friend of a friend and I know it should be ok to let you follow. I'll also need to be able to see on your profile that you're over 18 or if you have any other site linked that has your age public.Petty list also applies here, even if I do not follow back.Other things that I'll take into account before follow:

  • If I see anything relating to vFlower on your acc relating to certain ships or NSFW I won't allow you in, I really dislike this character and I really want to avoid any NSFW content of it;

  • If I can see that you're into vocaloid stuff and I haven't seen your acc before there's a chance I'll read your tweets a bit before letting you in. If you were already a follower from my public and I have seen your acc before even if you don't know it there's a chance it'll be easier to give you access unless I end up embarrassed to let you in lol;

  • This is a NSFW acc but I'm more likely to speak casual like a second casual acc, so please don't act out as if it's a public nsfw acc that just gets a lot of horny dudes replying;

  • As mentioned on petty list, I'm also not a fan of Hio hetero ships so this could be a reason to not let you in. I'll also take a look if there are other ships tho, if you ship him with Al or Bruno it can be a reason to not let you in as that's not something to expect seeing here. And of course if you ship him with Oliver no way you're getting here.

  • Keep in mind I'm pretty much only drawing Maika here and RTing stuff so don't expect anything out of this range. I'm not really RTing loid stuff either (a bit rare), I usually RT artists I like or RT from other artists;